Here is the third of my series of interviews with people involved in the Gothic and Alternative music scene and to get an understanding in their own words how Russia’s war of war crimes against humanity is impacting people just like you and me in Ukraine. For the third interview I am very happy to have an interview with an old friend Olexsii from the bands The Nightchild and Sociphobia. The Nightchild were the first band played inmy first podmix Black Veiled 1 almost 12 years ago featuring his cover of the Desireless song Voyage Voyage.


Could you tell me a bit about yourself and your involvement in the Goth/alternative scene, so for how long, what you do?, Your 5 top favourite bands?, films, books? etc?
Well, I am in the goth scene since the end of 2003, when I found my goth rock band the NIGHTCHILD. Then I found the one-man deathrock project SOCIOPHOBIA in 2008 and last year I decided to try playing synth-wave in the style of movie soundtracks of the 80s. It’s almost 20 years in the scene already, hah. Bands… Ok, let’s see:

The Sisters of Mercy, David Bowie, Radio Scarlet, Ultravox, Ghost Dance. I also listen to many other different genres but let it remain a secret.

I watch many movies but my favourites are: STAR WARS (franchise), Hellraiser (franchise), Predator (franchise), Hannibal Lecter (franchise), Cannibal Holocaust (well, not so gothic this time)

I also read a lot when I have time. I can’t name the books but the authors: Howard Phillips Lovecraft, Tomas Harris, Stephen King, Marquise de Sade, Lewis Carroll

I’m also fond of forest wandering, bicycle riding, sound engineering

What do you miss most of all since russia started a full scale war?
Peace (inner and outer) …

Could you tell me in your own words how the full scale war being carried out by russia in Ukraine has affected your life?

All the time I feel fear, sorrow for our losses, and anger. It’s exhausting… When russian troops attacked my town it was by a long way worst. It’s not a great experience to wake up in the night because of the bombers. And it’s not a great experience either when shells hit the house. I lived for several months without water, electricity, and gas… Our troops threw away the russian terrorists and it is safer now in my region. But now, due to the russian missile attacks, the problems with electricity in Ukraine affect my working process and music activities.


How do you feel towards russians after they have invaded Ukraine?

I wish them isolated from the civilized world.

What worries you have most about russia’s war in Ukraine?

That we have losses. People die and will die until russia is defeated.

What are your hopes for the future?

I hope russia will be isolated, thrown out UN and other global organizations. And it also will be denazificated and denuclearized.

What more help would you like to see countries give to Ukraine?

Military, financial, and political help

Is there any more acton that you would like countries to take in regards to russia?

Cancel this country, isolate it financially, politically, and physically



Show some love for Olexsii’s music projects




Night Sounds